THE CURE, Jun 10, 2018
THE CURE by Joseph Reyes is the opening song to his upcoming album. Crafted as an uplifting rock song meant to be sung to people with depression, Reyes captures critical aspects associated with the illness. Check out these lyrics:
I’m part of the cure
And part of the disease
Not lost in a role less vital
I’ve been there before
And seen what you’ve seen
Caught up in a downward spiral
Reyes hopes to communicate that people who have depression are a critical part of THE CURE. Reyes says "Suffering with depression has allowed me to see the same suffering in other people. On good days, I see it in people and do everything I can to be there for them the way that I wanted someone to be there for me. I want the song to remind us that we can help others even if we feel like we can't help ourselves."
WEBSITE LAUNCH, June 10, 2018
Joseph Reyes Music has their own Web Engineering team! They have worked hard to develop a website to better display and own content! It has loads of information in the HOME tab, a sneak peek at Joseph Reyes's songs in the MUSIC tab, an overview of the things going on with us in the NEWS tab, and a simple contact form in the CONTACT tab!
About Me
Having suffered from depression himself, Joseph Reyes is determined to make music to help people understand and deal with their depression.
What the Symbol Means
The raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance. The ring of barbed wire represents being unapproachable and not easy to understand.